Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NMT: Invisible Hand's 'Invisible Hand'

New Music Tuesday has become just NMT, since I do it consistently enough, I deem it worthy of shortening.

This week I found an exciting new band's debut full album (not to discount their various smaller releases over the past couple years). Fronted by Adam Smith (heh heh, get it, Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand), this band hits me in pretty much all the right places. This good impression was improved especially when looking them up and finding they would love to be described as influenced by The Kinks (a personal favorite). Though I don't find too much to be similar in their sound, I can see the influence of the spirit of that mid-late 60's garage-pop-rock sound, mostly exemplified by the energetic band accompanying the much more modern sounding voice.

While I don't think I could venture out and say that this is 'the new sh*&', I am definitely happy with this album. Witty lyrics coupled with solid production and composition fills the album with the more experimental sounds arriving in the first half of the tracklist.

'Two Chords' starts off the album with an introspective tone, and is appropriately followed by the energetic 'There's Room In My Will', which lets you know a little more of the tempo and sound they seem to be the most comfortable with.

I could talk plenty about the rest of the album, but I think I can just save you the time by just suggesting the album to you in that this is a great rock album. Not rawk. Just good rock and roll with solid songwriting, melodic hooks, fun tempo changes, and some decent harmonizing. You'll do yourself a favor dropping the $10 or so on this.

Invisible Hand- 'Invisible Hand'-> 4.6/5

And as a suggestion. Try listening loudly through a surround sound system. Theres a lot of the production you will miss without the proper listening device.

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