Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NMT: Daft Punk's 'Tron: Legacy' Soundtrack

Now usually I start one of these reviews with a bit of my own personal background with the band and how I 'found' them and so on. But this is Daft Punk. Everyone and their mom knows them (including mine). My first album I owned of theirs was Discovery and I've been hooked since I was given it for Christmas of '01. That album has led to so many things ranging from arguments, dancing sessions, an inordinate amount of nostalgic conversations and good feelings.

Their other releases (Homework, Human After All, Alive 1997 & 2007) have similar good feelings and thousands of plays from my various audio devices. So needless to say, hearing word that Daft Punk would be involved with the score/soundtrack of the new Tron left me frothing at the mouth.

Now being familiar with their film work with Interstella 5555 and Electroma, I was fairly sure that this was not going to be a 'typical' Daft Punk album. Not that any of them have been typical when compared to their antecedent, its just that this was not going to be as much of an electronic pop album. Its the score to a film with appropriate drama and instrumentation to fit the epic visuals and feeling of a large scale sci-fi film.

Starting out with the overture, the album sets an appropriate tone for the rest of the album, with a somber and dark classical music styled progression with crashing symbols and a hint of digital distortion; coming off as a less bombastic 'Zarathustra' as seen through the eyes of the French electronic duo. This track sets the tone for the score which follows with amalgam's of digital effects and full outright orchestration, providing strong and moving soundscapes that I am sure will more than back up the film when it is released on December 17th.

The album works well as a mood setter and has particularly energetic 'stand-out' tracks such as 'Derezzed' (which has just received a new music video release), 'End of the Line', and 'Arena' which gives you a taste of what the albums most electronic and energetic tracks will be built upon.

My only criticisms come as a Daft Punk fan looking for individual tracks to pick out and play for friends and in the car, but I won't let those mar how I view this album. As the track 'The Game has Changed' is named, the album and music must be viewed differently. Daft Punk have always been something different in the pop music, dance and electronic scene. They are artists and this project is just further evidence that this duo can keep changing, and keep making memorable and forward thinking music. While I can't personally say its as enjoyable as Discovery (which is in my Island 5), it is of the par to keep it in the same league as the rest of their body of work and should not be dismissed like some music fans would discount Queen's 'Flash Gordon' soundtrack (though the theme song is SO catchy).

Daft Punk's 'Tron: Legacy' Soundtrack - > 4.5/5

Also an interesting fact; I saw an interview with Joseph Kosinski where he discussed how he asked Daft Punk to work with them, and they came to him with a full set of songs before even seeing any of the material. From the way he described it, the demos did not change very much and even ended up effecting the movie's production. These projects were developed in coordination with one another and I look forward to seeing how the music affects the pacing of the film in two weeks!

Is it just me or does the little Disney symbol kinda ruin the simple design of the cover?


  1. Well for starters, it's a score, not a soundtrack. This is widely conceived as the same thing, when that's not the case. But I picked up this anyway, as I enjoy Original scores (thanks to John Williams). It's a great little album and good to have on in the background.

    Also Derezzed would be awesome if it was twice as long. Maybe an extended mix down the line?

  2. and yes I know it says "soundtrack" right there. They either did that on purpose because the average american wouldn't know what "score" meant...or they just don't know the difference.

  3. Oh yah I know its a score as well, its just that they've been marketing the score as a soundtrack for some reason. I have plenty of scores I enjoy listening to, so I meant to judge it more as a score than a soundtrack. I could have gone more into the thematic depths that I felt from each track, but its a bit hard without seeing the film yet to see really how it all relates and fits together. But thanks for the comment! I appreciate any feedback!

  4. Well it might just be the soundtrack. We have not sen anything about a Tron Score out officially there might be some more music that is more score oriented not by the great french duo so keep that on mind :) also I like the Disney logo it reminds me of the roots of the movie and definitely does not take away any more than the "music by daft punk", "original soundtrack", and the "Legacy" words all marring the great name of TRON.
