Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No NMT today, but...

I am working on a Top 15 albums of 2010 list to post as soon as I'm finished deciding and writing. Also I'm in the midst of preparing for another physiology exam so thats another reason for it getting left out this week. However, here are some links/topics that might be interesting to people as something to either waste your time with or judge me for wasting my time on them!

-I recently found Audacity after I realized that I don't need to use any fancy mic's just to record simple ideas. With this realization I figured there has to be some sort of free audio editing software out there and Audacity is what I found. Pretty easy to use, and as long as you don't care that the sound quality from your computer's internal mic is awful, really easy to record and export as an mp3 for reviewing.

-After this find, I wanted to find a digital synthesizer for putting together some beats and rhythms to practice with. While I've found a program, I am awful with it. I found the FLStudio demo, which seems to be pretty in depth, but I am pretty much garbage when it comes to actually trying to come up with something that doesn't immediately give me a headache. Though, through all of this its made me think that taking an electronic music, and music production class at some point would probably allow me to really grow a bit and give me more confidence with what I do write. And I AM writing now. So watch out world. I'm not just talking about maybe-possibly-somehow doing it at some point in the near future anymore.

-Found a link from VGCats to this free game called Octodad the other day. Just watch the trailer and if you laughed as much as I did, you should go download it and try it out. Wacky and weird game.

-Oh and I saw the Dandy Warhols this past Sunday with Becca. It was pretty cool seeing live, but they were definitely visibly tired with this being the last show of their tour and Courtney just looking completely wiped. Zia kept up the energy though and it was nice to go to a rock concert that had people actually dancing and moving to the music, as opposed to the cool indie 'stand and look like you are above everyone' look. (And yes, I know everyone is dancing at the electronica and more dance oriented band shows).

Thats it for now, back to the books.

Oh yah, and if you haven't seen the stop motion Community, you need to.

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