Saturday, February 26, 2011

Of Balvarines and 'Snowstorms'

So in my now 2 weeks of official non-student, unemployment-ness I have become pretty familiar with the various jobsites (Craigslist, Monster, WWeekly, some biotech specific ones, etc...), but only really one job that I've applied to really sounds like something I'd love to do/learn. There is an art glass foundry in SE Portland hiring people to work in their foundry making all of the amazing raw materials for artists that use such glass. Having had about 6 years of not much art (except for one drawing class), I find the possibility of being able to work in an environment with creative people, actually making a product and being able to see the end result just seems very appealing to me right now. Now I know I'm idealizing it, but I wouldn't complain if I could look back in twenty years and be able to say that I worked in a place like that and learned cool artisan skills. Kinda makes me wish that I'd apprenticed something like working with a silversmith (Johnny Tremain?) back in the day.

Oh so I've finally gotten to play a little Fable 3, since I've been waiting to since Christmas, both eagerly and with dread, knowing how much I loved the previous two and not wanting to be disappointed/not wanting to be sucked in too much. The co-op is finally a viable option in the game, and has actually been quite a blast playing with Becca, to see both of our characters go through the story together. My one gripe about that system though, is that there should be some way of transferring quests over to the other persons account. Like, they can go all the way through the game with you, but then play on their own and they're back to square one, just with a bunch more gold in hand. ANYWAYS, thats enough on video games. Also, balvarines are still the most annoying enemies in the game so far.

Yes, I feel like sepia tone better captures the 'tone' of our mini snow 'storm'. More dramatic that way.

Also, I know everyone on the west coast has been having the 'snow' warnings from the last couple days. In Portland, this has been one of the most frustrating things. Of the last 6 times the weather reports have said there was a snow storm coming, it snowed twice. For about 15 minutes. As a Bay Area native, the thought of snow is always exciting, so basically I just want the Portland meteorologists to stop teasing me. Stop teasing the 24 year old that gets giddy about snow falling around his apartment and being able to go out and play in it. Jerks.

I know you all know I'm obsessed with my cat, but I love this picture.

But I did get a couple fun pictures out of our 15 minutes of heavenly snow, because Sam was attacking and chirping at the window. It seemed like he thought that the apartment was being swarmed with some sort of fluffy white insects and that he must kill them all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So a few things have happened since my last post...

About a week ago I finished my final class for my Biology BA, so now I just have to deal with waiting for UCSC to get all the paperwork and documents in order so that I can really apply for graduation and finally get that diploma. Finally. But what that leads into is the more pressing need to look for a job. While I'd love to find something that fits in better with my interests/schooling background, I have a feeling that its going to probably end up being the lines of temping at an office. Hopefully somewhere within walking distance of our apartment here in downtown PDX.

Something affecting the job choice involving time constraints is that it looks I'll finally take my first big step out of the country this summer. Yes, my international travel virginity looks like its going to be taken by Spain this summer, when Becca and I get to spend a few weeks with her family there getting to know Madrid and exploring the country. I could try to express my excitement through words here, or a link to some ridiculous video (N64 kid anyone?) but I'll just let you assume with this: (:D)

Also, I turned 24 last Friday. I know there's 'no big deal' to one year older and such, but its proximity to my finishing class and looking for a job seems a bit symbolic and intimidating. Each year since turning 20 has been progressively scarier, feeling like I have less and less of my crap figured out basically. So here's to hoping 25 doesn't feel like that next year. AHHHHH.

On the music front, which has actually felt like I've been progressing a little, with a couple songs written out (just not associated with music yet) and a bank of riffs in my head, I feel ready to finally work with people and try to start a band. In addition to my job search this week, I was going to write up an ad and put it on the local Craigslist, Willamette Weekly, and Portland Mercury. I figure if I put up exactly what kind of work that I'm interested in doing, I'm less likely to try to end up playing with music with some people who decide later that what they really want to do is be the next Linkin Park... Bleh. I will keep a lookout for anyone that looks like we could be a match musically though.

Also, my Christmas gift from my parents has finally made its way to PDX via Fed Ex. Its a Jay Turser JT-Res:

Its pretty, and definitely an interesting sound to play with. Maybe I'll put together a little track by the end of the week.

In the meantime, here are some Soundcloud's I posted over the last few weeks. They're just as noisy and lofi as before, so prepare your headphones/speakers accordingly and understand that in person, it sounds much better.