Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Birthday Cat

So, I was trying to think of something nice to do for my family's cat that is turning 15 today, as I can't be there to give her some nice petting and appreciation for the day. Here goes...

Happy Birthday Zoe Selene!

I know I won't be able to see her soon, but she's just been a great cat since we got her when I was in 3rd grade, and its been admittedly sad to see her less and less since leaving home for school in 2005. I miss her being used to wake me up in the morning for school since she has a penchant for the kneading on my chest and purring in my face behavior. Anyways, I figure this is as best a way as any to express missing a pet right? Even if she did end up adopting my Mom moreso than she was supposed to be my pet. But lets face it, a third grader with borderline ADD is probably not going to remember to change the catbox or feed the cat every day consistently. I'm mostly glad she's just made it through some of her tougher times and I look forward to seeing her again, so happy birthday Zoe!



1 comment:

  1. 15 is quite an old kitty. I do like her in green though!
