Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fail Blog

Up until yesterday, I've been pretty consistent with my 'New Music Tuesday' bit. I've been wanting to do a bit more personal bits, as in, whats actually happening up here and that I'm not just focusing on music. Though it does pervade much of my time thinking...

Yesterday just didn't lend itself well to finding new music. I saw a few possibilities, but first of all: I didn't know that the new Keller Williams album titled 'Kids' would be a childrens music album. I know. You'd think I maybe could have thought of that beforehand, and while I enjoyed the tracks I heard, I didn't feel I could do a full review and be fair due to the only kids music I remember being some old Kenny Loggins or Rafi. So rather than compare 'Kids' to ringing banana phones and what not. I just didn't do it.

This last class (which is actually turning out to be more of a second to last class), needs more of my dedicated time. It just needs to be finished up, because the whole not working while Becca works 8-5, Mon-Fri is wearing on me. Not the most satisfying feeling like the bum at home all day. So I'm resolving myself to quicken my pace so that I can enter the workforce sooner than later and am looking into part time retail positions in the area. Also. Being inside the apartment all day just REEKS of cabin fever. Though I feel like I'm wasting my study time by taking walks or anything, and being a slight agoraphobe in a still-new city has been keeping me inside.

Becca's chair + neat lamp +guitar + window = VERY relaxing

Not to say I don't love it out there. Portland in fall is beautiful and not nearly as rainy as people are convinced it is up here. Its been in the 40's in the morning here, but the sun is still out and I am remembering again why I love fall so much. The colors. I did not realize until now that Santa Cruz had a dearth of deciduous trees. While I love the redwoods, I am loving the combination of the Pacific Northwest deciduous and evergreen trees.

We are fortunate enough to have a nice big old tree out of our second-story apartment for the view and blocking out some of the ugly buildings *cough* THE WELLS FARGO TOWER *cough*. The tree also draws a bit of attention from the local bird communities, which is tortuous, but entertaining for Samwise (our cat). Since I'm the one thats usually here during the day to watch his various antics, he frequently sits on the window sill staring up into the tree and doing that cat click-meow kind of thing. Anyways. Back to the books/pdf.

I think I've spent more time with pdf's and powerpoints in my entire college experience than with textbooks. Welcome to the future? Where is my hover board?

1 comment:

  1. Online classes are an experiment in distraction and laziness. I went to a "studying workshop" and learned that studying in a place where you generally spend time not studying greatly impacts your performance and whatnot.

    But damn that chair looks comfy.
