Monday, January 24, 2011

Favorite Albums of 2010

This took way too long to complete considering that it was started in early December of '10. Well here you are:

Originally I had titled it the "Best 10 Albums" but then I really wanted to make a list of the albums that I know are most likely to stay in my rotation of more consistent listening. Hope you all had a great new years and I'm looking forward to a new year of new music and possibly even some of my own recordings?! We'll see.

10: Broken Bells - Broken Bells -> Now for those who know me, they probably have heard me whine about The Shins after the whole Garden State Soundtrack being the go to 'indie' mix. But, after hearing the simple enjoyability of 'The High Road' and recognizing Brian Burton's (Danger Mouse) crisp and simplistic production, I realized I do enjoy James Mercer's voice and I had to give the Portlander a fair shake. I love this album and will probably still be enjoying it in a few decades. Also the Chistina Hendricks starring video for 'The Ghost Inside' is pretty darn cool (and the song sounds like Danger Mouse modeled it after his work with Damon Albarn on Demon Days)

9: Yeasayer - Odd Blood -> If this album is an indicator of where music is going, I'm pretty excited. I know it can feel a bit like the trite dance indie-electronica that makes PF (not as much as Kanye does), but there are just so many interesting sounds and juxtapositions of sounds here that at loud volumes, you can't help but be interested. His voice can be a bit whiny at times, but I quickly forget as the songs really draw you in. Other than the number 1 on this year's list, this actually probably my most listened to album of the year. Also, the bridge of 'Ambling Alp' makes my ears do somersaults of happiness.

8: Karen Elson - The Ghost Who Walks -> Jack White's wife Karen Elson's debut album was not one of those 'I know the right people so I got an album made' kind of deal. While the album was produced by her husband, this is not a Jack White derivative album. It is a thoughtful, beautiful sounding collection of well written songs by Elson. While some songs do 'rock out' a bit more, like 'The Garden' the majority play the album covers' slightly spooky tone. Its a haunting collection of singer songwriter songs that will continue to be enjoyed by myself for years.

7: Big Light - Animals in Bloom -> The last time I saw the Mother Hips in Santa Cruz, I had the privilege of seeing Big Light open for them at Moe's Alley. Coming in and not doing my research beforehand, I was surprised to be greeted with a great new band out of San Francisco. 'Heavy', a highlight song from the concert as well as their EP and Animals in Bloom gives you an idea of where they come from in concert.

6: Hot Chip - One Life Stand -> While I know there have been many great electronic releases this past year, Hot Chip's newest album is the only one I think that will really end up remain in my musical consciousness. There are great dance songs, and beats that just lead to introspection when coupled with the satirical and honest lyrics. Also, 'I Feel Better', while one of the standout tracks, has one of the best/funniest music videos I've seen in a long time.

5: LCD Soundsystem - This is Happening -> Critics love James Murphy. PF loves him too. And. Well. Yah, I love this album too. From the obvious Bowie nods to the just genuine flow of thoughts within his lyrics. 'Pow Pow' is my favorite track with its whole 'from this position' mantra. Something I find relatable, and enjoy hearing the thoughts move from one thought to the next.

4: Electric Six - Zodiac -> This band is pretty darn prolific. Other than the two year gap between Fire and SeƱor Smoke, they've been releasing an album a year since 2005. Not only do they now have an almost overwhelming catalog of songs, but they're good. Their smarm and musicality has been honed over the years with their disco-punk-glam satire rock just getting better and better. Zodiac was no exception to this and with a cover of The Spinners' 'Rubberband Man' and such strong songs like 'Jam it in the Hole' and 'Love Song for Myself' make me feel like next years outing will probably also make the top 10.

3: Blitzen Trapper - Destroyers of the Void -> Having been one of my favorite bands since Furr, and cementing that with their Black River Killer EP, Blitzen Trapper's new album was one of the most anticipated of the albums for me. It did not disappoint with the strong songwriting skills of Eric Earley and meandering folk-prog-rock that ensues (exemplified by the first track). But the strongest moment on the album would have to be the story telling of 'The Man Who Would Speak True'.

2: Apples in Stereo - Travellers in Space and Time-> As I said in my first review, this is one happy, good vibe spouting album. It is going to stay in my album rotation for quite some time into the future.

1: Gorillaz - Plastic Beach-> Definitely the highest anticipated album of the year for myself (if you know me, you know my obsession with the Gorillaz, ESPECIALLY 2005's Demon Days) and it did not leave me wanting. Albarn's amalgam of all forms of modern pop musical styles and artists with selected eclectic tastes are exemplified in the title and concept of the album. A beach so far from civilization where all of the remnants of trash and culture mix together to form something creative, emotional, thoughtful and at times, beautiful.

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