Friday, September 10, 2010

Travellers in Space and Time and Nostalgia

File:Travellers in Space and Time cover art.jpg.

This is the album I was talking about, incidentally. The one that said 'Hey. Kyle. Stop sitting and thinking about doing things and just DO something. Do it while smiling and skipping and staring at the clouds'.

Positivity just emanates from this album, which I can attribute to many of the songs (especially 'Dream About the Future') just screams out ELO. Also Mr. Blue Sky is my all time 'happy song', used to make good situations better, and bad situations less dire. So for me, anything channeling that energy is automatically entered in the memory banks as fun and happy tunes.

Along with the good energy, the bright and sunny lyrical musings of Robert Schneider cry out as being a guy that would be perfect to have around when you need a pick me up. Something about imagining him (and then confirming through seeing interviews with him), conjures a picture of how I feel most people would either pretend to want to be like, or pretend to hate out of jealousy. This guy is happy. He is happy and he sees what is good out there and thats all that he focuses on. And I'm glad that he doesn't feel that he needs to brood for music credibility. It is still possible to write a fun, sunny pop song that doesn't have to suck. It may seem like decades since that has been what was actually getting radio play, but people in general could use more of this kind of music.

Song Highlights:
Dream About the Future- Just listen to the chorus. Screams ELO, but not in a bad way. In a, 'I wish this was still on the radio all the time', way.
Hey Elevator- Nice swinging beat, another nice piano and synth pop song. My girlfriend's favorite from the album.
Dance Floor- The first single from the album and for good reason. Fun, good beat and gets instantly stuck in your head. If you haven't seen the video with Elijah Wood, do so.
Dignified Dignitary- Fun bass and cowbell heavy song
No Vacation- Another ELO nod. I love me some 'oooo OOOOO ooooo's
Nobody But You- Ok yah, I know I've said it a lot, but try to hear the first 5 seconds and not think that Jeff Lynne got the Orchestra back together and picked up Schneider as their singer to keep it fresh.

And seriously. Don't you want this guy as your best friend?

I don't have a rating system yet, but I'll tentatively go with the 5 star format for now:

The Apples in Stereo- Travellers in Space and Time ->

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