Friday, September 10, 2010

Any start is something right?

So, I technically started this blog about a month and a half ago when Becca and I had just finishing moving up to Portland from Santa Cruz, but... Yah it has been quite hard to start. Unfortunately I tend to put a lot of pressure on expressing myself and such, but I think I'm ready to dive headfirst. Listening to music that is not only bouncing with a happy vibe, but also has pleasant and nostalgic feelings attached to it can have that inspiring effect on me.

Well the whole point of this was to be sort of a personal journal/music/food/beer/travel blog of sorts and you know what? I think its time to get crackin'.

To sum up the events that led to this point and also address the blog's 'title', I have recently moved to Portland, Oregon after deliberating and finally deciding to do something and get out of California, the womb of my childhood/young adulthood. Portland had always been nice to visit, having my Uncle and his family up here and being a fan of GOOD beer, knowing this is Craft Beer City USA is a definite plus. Admittedly also music was a great draw due to my finding out that Blitzen Trapper was indeed from up here, as well as older favorites Sleater Kinney (though yes, I know they're defunct). I could use a musical climate that might help to catalyze my own musical growth. The combination of these reasons, the city's great food, its nice people and being encouraged by my lovely wanderlusting girlfriend, it just made an exciting sense.

Since moving up here, we've been living downtown with our occasionally savage and always adorable Siamese snowshoe point cat, Samwise. He's one of those 'I'll even look cute while I chew on your hand and try to rip you apart', and I still get too tempted to bug him when he's napping all day.

Becca has been working, and I've sent out a few resume's but have mostly been absorbed in my final class that I'm taking online. Medical Physiology online from the University of New England. Just this and then finally the Biology major will be all finished. I am really excited to work though, even if it ends up being some company I completely disagree with. Thats just one of those young 20 something experiences that I'm fine with having. I know I'll find something eventually that will match up better, like when I start teaching, but I know I do NOT have the maturity for that yet. Just in reading up on it and my experience in Education class let me know, I know how to talk about educating and what SHOULD be done, but knowing and practicing are different. While I'd love to be a young relatable teacher, I'd rather be a little bit older and be able to actually focus well enough to be a solid teacher and not just scoot by with strictly adhering to content standards.

Incidentally, the whole point of this first entry is to be that crazy rambling one that virtually no one will have the patience to sit through. Its cathartic for me, especially considering I haven't really made any friends up here yet. I'm like a hose thats just been let loose from being pinched off; that means tons of thoughts spilling all at once.

Summary? Living in Portland with amazing/psycho cat, amazing/sexy/sweet girlfriend, and trying to live up to all of those "what I'd do with my time when school was done" life goals; including recording, making more art, and writing. Well at least I'm working on the last one.

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