Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Music Tuesday: Chromeo's 'Business Casual'

I'm hoping that this is the first in a long line of Tuesday new music reviews for me. While I don't want for this blog to be strictly music oriented, I think my extensive past obsessing on the subject and want for discussing the specifics of new albums.

Chromeo's 'Business Casual' is actually pretty exciting to have first as it is an album that I've been excited for a few months, since hearing that a follow up to 2007's 'Fancy Footwork'(a funky and energetic sophomore release) was planned for today's release.

Where 'Fancy Footwork' improved and focused the duo, 'Business Casual' seems to have brought them into maturity. Its all distinctly Chromeo, but the beats, synthesizers, and grooves have grown up in their application. These are succinct and artfully crafted funky pop songs that do everything to remind me of what Motown was pumping out in the 80's. This is a good thing.

I'm not going to lie, but the first track's title 'Hot Mess', and its opening few seconds made me afraid that they were going to give in to the more current pop pitfalls lyric-wise (ala ke$ha). I can't stand that term personally, but luckily the song quickly shuts me up as I realize I will not be hearing about the petty exploits of an alcoholic glittery mess of a person. Instead, Dave One's neo-retro romanticism's are still prevalent with the wit still intact. Not to neglect that Pee Thug's well punctuated talk box makes the experience whole. This is dance synth funk at its best (not that I can think of many peers to them). These guys are great what they do.

There are definitely some songs that shine brighter than the others. Specifically, 'Hot Mess', 'Night by Night', 'Don't Turn the Lights On', ‘J’ai Claque La Porte and 'Grow Up'.

'Night by Night's crisp intro riff pulls you into a song that really just reminds me if 'Eye of the Tiger' had an illegitimate love child with the vibe of Flashdance.

'Don't Turn the Lights On' has that walking beat that can only keep reminding me of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'. This song just makes me feel like these two must have some serious admiration for Quincy Jones. Also, the video is by far one of my favorites of the last year. Its fun, doesn’t take itself too seriously and has a pretty fun gimmick. Take a look:

'J'ai Claque La Porte' is a pleasant romantic change of pace with string accompaniment and, of course, some smoothly delivered vocals. While I do not speak French, I'm assuming Dave One is keeping up his usual wry charm and wit in these lyrics.

Finally, the last song 'Grow Up' sounds like it could be a cover of a MJ and Stevie Wonder collaboration from the mid 80's that somehow didn't make it out of the studio until now. Overall, very light hearted, sweet in tone and a great tone to end the album with.

The only reason this doesn't get my full marks is that the album is a bit front heavy, with the later tracks kind of blending together as not exceedingly memorable. If it had been as consistent for all 10 songs as it was with the first 5, it would have received my full marks. Don't let that deter you though. This is still a great album and most songs on it would deserve a place in a dance music or romantic situation playlist.

Chromeo - 'Business Casual' ->


  1. Love this! It's awesome to be able to hear how everything is going with you. adorable title.

    PS I keep checking on your comic and being disappointed. updates?

  2. Thanks Dani! Not sure on the comic. I guess I should draw some up and send them to B. Haven't been able to talk much with him though.

    I'll keep updating though!
