Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bachelor of ?

Exam 1 of my last undergraduate course (of 4) was a success, and this has jump started a more focused work ethic since I am now aware of the procedures of this particular class (as this is my first online course). I have to admit, using a java based program to point and click at pipettes and going through the virtual motions and tasks of a lab is quite odd, though surprisingly helpful. For those wondering, this is the University of New England's online Medical Physiology course. I've been doing some thinking about what to do when I finish this course, I see a few options.

A: Just get my damn degree and get the BA.
B: Find one more class (either online or somewhere local) to get the BS and NOT get my degree until that is over.
C: Can't I just be done?

In talking to various advisors, relatives and friends, the BA doesn't look like it will hold me back very much, save from one area where it might give me some difficulty, a career in the actual sciences and graduate school (for topics other than teaching). This assessment should make it clear that a BA will be fine and better for me as it will allow me to be finished and move on to the next step and just find a job. After all, I want to teach, and supposedly the BA should not hurt me, though I don't know what kind of message it shows getting a Bachelor of ARTS in Biology? Nothing against art (in fact I probably would have preferred studying art or music, but that is besides the point), but its hard not to feel like people might get a bit judgy on the title. Also, in the interest of just exploring my options, I've been looking at grad school requirements for topics along the lines of geology and volcanology. These are wanting a BS in a relevant science. I have the grades in the core physics, chem, and math classes, but would a BA really kill the possibility? Maybe this writing practice I'm getting could be leading to me penning the 'Catcher in the Rye' of application essays (though that wouldn't necessarily help me towards my goal, skillwise).

Enough parenthesis and such, there's more physiology to focus on for now. Then maybe more BS later.

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